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What Affects the Service Life of Small Self-loading Concrete Mixer Trucks?

2022-04-15 17:26:20 The small self-loading concrete mixer truck has its service life. As users, we can often repair it when there is something wrong with it. In fact, if you do not understand the factors that affect the service life, you may repair the truck more, causing more bad effects. So what factors affect the service life of small self-loading concrete mixer trucks? Here are several aspects.
The quality of the small self-loading concrete mixer truck determines its service life. Also, only good manufacturers can make good parts. Instead of frequent replacement, choose durable accessories , which reduce costs and increase operational safety.
Bucket tooth wear
If the bucket teeth of the self-loading concrete mixer truck are worn, it should be solved according to the situation. If the wear of the bucket teeth is not particularly serious, then only surfacing welding is required on the bucket teeth. If the bucket tooth wear is particularly serious, the entire tooth needs to be welded.
maintenance level
Generally speaking, small self-loading concrete mixer trucks are not prone to problems in the first two years of use, but they also need good maintenance during this period. Maintenance should start with small things. At the end of each day, the vehicle should be cleaned and the lubricating parts of the vehicle should be checked. The places where lubricating oil should be added should be filled in time.
If the self-loading concrete mixer truck is well maintained, the appearance will be newer than the self-loading concrete mixer truck of the same age, and the damage to various parts will be much better.
In short, the service life of a small self-loading concrete mixer truck is closely related to the quality, component wear and careful maintenance of the self-loading concrete mixer truck. If we do well in these aspects of the self-loading concrete mixer truck, the service life of it will be much longer. Of course, when buying a truck, users are advised to go to see a brand that has good evaluations in various aspects such as comprehensive quality and after-sales service. The self-loading concrete mixer truck produced by such a brand is guaranteed. And Zhengzhou Talenet is such a company you can totally trust! Come to contact us at


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