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Concrete self-loading mixer cleaning points and operational considerations

2022-01-04 15:59:44

  The concrete self loading mixer can transport the concrete produced by the mixing plant or the aggregate (sand, stone), cement and water mixed according to the proportion. During the transportation, the wet materials are continuously mixed slowly to prevent the initial setting and segregation of the concrete during the transportation. The concrete self loading mixer is composed of automobile chassis and special equipment for concrete mixing and transportation. Its special mechanism mainly includes power take-off, front and rear supports of mixing drum, reducer, hydraulic system, mixing drum, operating mechanism, cleaning system, etc.

  1. Cleaning points:

  1. From the feeding mixer, flush the feeding port with water before each loading to keep the feeding port moist during loading;

  2. At the same time of loading, fill the cleaning water tank with water;

  3. Remember to discharge the sewage in the concrete storage tank before the next loading;

  4. At the end of each day, the concrete storage tank and the surrounding of the material inlet and outlet shall be thoroughly cleaned to ensure that there is no cement and concrete caking;


       Cleaning points and operation precautions of concrete self loading mixer

  5. Flush the inlet after the charging mixer is charged, and clean the residual concrete near the inlet;

  6. After unloading at the construction site, wash the discharge chute, and then add 30-40l of cleaning water into the concrete storage tank; When the vehicle returns, keep the concrete storage tank moving in a positive and slow direction;

  2. Operation precautions:

  1. Before starting the self feeding mixer, put the operating handle of the mixing drum at the "stop" position;

  2. After starting the engine of the feeding mixer, the mixing drum should be rotated at a low speed for about 10 minutes to make the hydraulic oil temperature rise to more than 20 ℃;

  3. When the self loading mixer is parked in the open air, the mixing drum should be reversed before loading to discharge the water and sundries, so as to ensure the quality of concrete;

  4. When transporting concrete, the self feeding mixer shall ensure that the sliding bucket is firmly placed to prevent swing caused by looseness, hurting pedestrians or affecting the normal operation of other vehicles, and the noise of mountain climbing machine.


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