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The effect of climate on concrete

2022-01-06 10:15:00 Concrete is very sensitive to weather conditions. Therefore, in different regions and climates, different measures should be taken in response to different specific conditions to make the forming and hardening of concrete proceed normally and play its ultimate role.

In the cold winter season in northern my country, the temperature is often below 0℃. If the newly poured concrete is exposed to atmospheric conditions, it will suffer frost damage. The strength and durability of the concrete will be greatly reduced, which will seriously affect the bearing capacity and service life of the structure. . Therefore, winter construction measures are taken to prevent the newly poured concrete from being frozen early, to overcome the adverse effects of low temperature on the concrete, and to ensure that the quality of the concrete project meets the specified requirements.

The high temperature environment in summer has a bad influence on fresh concrete. During the mixing and transportation of concrete, water evaporates quickly, which causes early dehydration and brings difficulties to construction operations. It is also inappropriate to adopt dry heat curing during the curing process. Therefore, attention should also be paid to the construction of summer concrete.

If the construction is in rainy season, no matter it is during pouring, transportation, or after pouring, the concrete is not allowed to be exposed to rain.


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